pba regional tour east region

PBA50 Rick's Pro Shop Open

Event dates
Host center
Bowlero Wilmington

3215 Kirkwood Hwy
Wilmington, DE 19808
United States

Friday, March 28

Practice Session: 3-5 p.m.

Orientation Meeting: 5 p.m. (Mandatory for all first-time participants)

Saturday, March 29

Roll call: 8:30 a.m.

Qualifying: 9 a.m. – (eight games)

Top 8 advance.

Sunday, March 30

Roll call is 8:30 a.m.

Round robin match play begins at 9 a.m.

Final game is position round.  Total pinfall including 30 bonus pins for each game win determines the final standings.

Field Capacity: 60


Participant must be a USBC Member in good standing and have reached their 50th birthday no later than March 27, 2025. Non-Members must meet the PBA minimum average requirements of 200 for 36 games in a USBC sanctioned league. PBA Members have priority over any Non Member up to 7 days before the event starts.

Entry Fee

PBA Members: $245

Non-Members: $310

Entry Deadline

Online entries for members and non-members close at midnight, Monday, March 24, 2025. Entries and payments after deadline are subject to additional administrative fees. 

Payout Ratio 1:3

BowlTV Regional Players Invitational

This event is an East Region PBA50 event and will only count for points in the East PBA50 Region. Only Full PBA Members will be able to qualify for the year-end Finals. To qualify for the BowlTV Regional Players Invitational, a member must bowl in 3 events within that region in the calendar year.

Pattern: Amleto Monacelli

PBA Registered Products

1st Place projected to pay $1,600

Final cash spot projected to pay $500

Top 2 PBA60 finishers outside main prize list receive a minimum of $275 each

*All prize funds projected on 60 entries*

Games Completed: 6

1AJeffrey RipicApalachin, N.Y.1305217.50105
2ADavid Handlowich Jr.Ancram, N.Y.1286214.3386
3ALee RobisonLancaster, S.C.1264210.6764
4AChristopher VialeWestfield, Mass.1234205.6734
5ASteven DiMartinoUpper Saddle River, N.J.1234205.6734
6AJay BoyleGarnet Valley, Pa.1227204.5027
7AGregory HessHamilton, N.J.1226204.3326
8APete DiChiaraArdsley, N.Y.1219203.1719
9AFrank Gray Jr.North East, Md.1218203.0018
10AJohn DiSantisWilmington, Del.1217202.8317
11ADavid KneasAnnapolis, Md.1216202.6716
12ALouis GaudioMorganville, N.J.1203200.503
13AJohn NeralVienna, Va.1194199.00-6
14ARay EdwardsMiddle Island, N.Y.1193198.83-7
15ARick GrahamElizabethtown, Pa.1190198.33-10
16AKen YokoboskyFredon, N.J.1185197.50-15
17ADavid PowersNewport News, Va.1183197.17-17
18AGeorge KostjalNew Cumberland, Pa.1181196.83-19
19AScott KinkaidElizabethtown, Pa.1170195.00-30
20ARoger ShellNew York1168194.67-32
21ACharles HarrisMacungie, Pa.1166194.33-34
22ABrian LinkBowie, Md.1155192.50-45
23ATony WaltonSevern, Md.1149191.50-51
24AGeorge Tomlinson IIILancaster, Pa.1140190.00-60
25AStephen HaasEnola, Pa.1139189.83-61
26ADarryl BowerMiddletown, Pa.1129188.17-71
27ATimothy MartinHarrisville, R.I.1128188.00-72
28ARobert MockenhauptSuccasunna, N.J.1124187.33-76
29AAlan GrobmeierPhoenix, Ariz.1122187.00-78
30ABret CromwellColorado Springs, Colo.1122187.00-78
31AScott WilliamsAberdeen, Md.1122187.00-78
32ASammy VenturaSyracuse, N.Y.1117186.17-83
33ADavid ShowSmock, Pa.1112185.33-88
34AJay Davis Jr.Silver Spring, Md.1109184.83-91
35ALarry IveyBerwick, Pa1102183.67-98
36ASam MaccaroneWilliamstown, N.J.1098183.00-102
38ADon HerringtonBallston Lake, N.Y.1091181.83-109
39AScott YoderState College, Pa1086181.00-114
40ALarry StrausPlainview, N.Y.1082180.33-118
41AMike HastingsMilford, Del.1080180.00-120
42AGary ReynoldsGroton, N.Y.1080180.00-120
43ALarry RobertsSykesville, Md.1071178.50-129
44ARichard McNeillYorktown, Va.1070178.33-130
45ALee BrosiusAshburn, Va.1064177.33-136
47ADavid HarveyDanville, Pa.1055175.83-145
48ATimothy ReganEast Northport, N.Y.1053175.50-147
49AChristopher AmorosoMillsboro, De.1053175.50-147
50ABobby Hall IILandover, Md.1053175.50-147
51ABill RayScotia NY1044174.00-156
52AMichael HoutzMyerstown, Pa.1035172.50-165
53AJohn PetragliaJackson, N.J.1022170.33-178
54AGary ShultisLevittown, N.Y.1017169.50-183
55AJames DelelloBainbridge, N.Y.998166.33-202
57ABen MartinezLebanon, Pa.957159.50-243
58ADave NorthChestertown, Md943157.17-257
59AMark BoegeSeaside Park, N.J.901150.17-299
60ABill MooreClifton, Va.870145.00-330
37AWilliard Isaacs, JrKenton, Del.293146.50-107
46ARick LeChetteLincoln University, Pa.462154.00-138
56ALarry HallMillsboro, Del.979163.17-221