pba regional tour Southwest region

PBA Copperfield Southwest Challenge (non-champions)

Event dates
Host center
Copperfield Bowl

15615 Glen Chase
Houston, TX 77095
United States

Friday, April 4

2:00pm – 4:00pm Practice Session

Mandatory Meeting for First Time PBA Participants:  4:00 pm

Saturday, April 5

Roll call is 30 minutes prior to all squads.

9:30am –  Eight games

Top 1/3 advance

Sunday, April 6

8:30am – Cashers Round (5 games)

12:00pm – Cut to the top 8 for the finals

-Round of 8 Matches (2 games, total pins for both games determines who advances)

-Round of 4 Matches (2 games, total pins for both games determines who advances)

-Championship Match (2 games, total pins for both games determines Champion)

(We do not break for lunch, the cafe will be serving during competition)


Cary Mogard

Field Capacity

80* - Once entries reach 100, the field size will be expanded to 100.   *Field is Full -  New and Existing PBA Members have priority entry until 3/28/25 


Participant must be a USBC Member in good standing.

Non-members/guests must meet the PBA average requirement to participate (verifiable 200+ for at least 36 games in the past 12 months).

REMINDER: PBA Members receive priority entry until March 27th – 11:50pm.   Non-members will be officially placed on the roster after this date in date/time order of entry received.

Collegiate Bowlers:  It is the bowler's responsibility to contact the Tournament Director ([email protected]) to be recognized as a non-member Collegiate bowler.  This must be completed two weeks prior to the designated day of the event's practice round. Priority is given to collegiate bowlers who are actively competing in Collegiate tournaments representing their college. 

Entry Fee

PBA Members: $245

Non-Members: $310 (Money Order, Cashier’s Check, or Credit Card Only)

Entry Deadline

Online entries for members and non-members close at midnight on Monday, March 31st 2025.

After the deadline, entries must be made directly with the Tournament Director ([email protected]).

A $10 Late Fee will be assessed for entries received after the posted deadline.

Oil Pattern:

9.2.3 Pattern Changes. It is the policy of the PBA that a pattern will not be adjusted in any way for the duration of a tournament once that pattern has been introduced at the official practice session. Please note that due to the wide range of variables associated with different lane surfaces and topographies encountered at many PBA host centers, individual pattern volumes may be adjusted prior to the official practice session to address any surface/topography issues that might compromise the integrity of that week’s lane conditions

Payout Ratio


BowlTV Regional Players Invitational

This event is a Southwest Region event and will only count for points in the Southwest Region. Only Full PBA Members will be able to qualify for the year-end Finals. To qualify for the RPI, you must bowl in 3 events within your region in the calendar year.

2025 PBA Approved Equipment

The 2025 list of acceptable Urethane and Urethane-Like equipment made at 78.0HD+ is available on the schedule page under “quick links”.

High Game

High game pot will be available for $50 and covers qualifying games.

PBA Registered Products