2024 PBA Tour

PBA Roth/Holman Doubles Championship PTQ

Event dates
Host center

4200 Allen Rd, Allen Park
Allen Park, MI 48101
United States


Tuesday, April 2

Pre-Tournament Qualifier (PTQ) (seven games): 9 a.m.

A full schedule of the Roth/Holman PBA Doubles Championship can be found here.

Tournament Host Center

Thunderbowl Lanes

4200 Allen Rd.

Allen Park, MI 48101

(313) 928-4688


Participant must be a PBA member to enter unless they are a collegiate bowler currently on a team roster. College players can enter any PBA Tour PTQ event, with the exception of the PBA Tournament of Champions and the PBA Players Championship, after entries close for PBA members and they have created their PBA account online. To enter, email Tony Lanning at [email protected].

Maximum Field

52 teams

Point Values

Tier 3

Priority Entries

PTQ Entries open November 20, 2023. PTQ entries close March 19, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. CT. All PBA members who are not currently classified as priority entrants will need to enter the PTQ. A minimum number of eight teams will advance to the elite field in order to fill the 52-team field.

Priority Entries are considered:

  • Teams where both players finished in the Top 50 on the 2023 PBA Tour Point List
  • Teams with one player who finished in the Top 50 on the 2023 PBA Tour Point List and one PBA Tour titlist
  • Teams with two PBA Tour titlists
  • Teams with one player who finished in the Top 50 on the 2023 PBA Tour Point List OR a PBA Tour titlist and one PBA member
  • Teams with two PBA members
  • Any Commissioner Exemptions

Phone and mailed entries will not be accepted. Anyone needing instructions on how to enter online can contact membership services at (206) 332-9688.

Any entries received after the final entry deadline will incur a late fee.

Entry Fee

Roth/Holman PBA Doubles Championship PTQ: $125/bowler ($250/team; teams advancing from the PTQ will be charged an additional $250)

Oil Pattern

Del Ballard 36

Carmen Salvino 44

2024 PBA Approved Equipment

The 2024 list of acceptable Urethane and Urethane-Like equipment made at 78.0HD+ is available on the schedule page under “quick links”.  

The top 1/3 teams will cash for $250 ($125/bowler) with the exception of those teams advancing into the main field.

Current Round: Round 1

Games Completed: 14

PositionTeamHometownPinsAVG+/- 200
1Anthony Neuer / Tim Foy Jr.Lewisburg, Pa. / Seaford, Del.3243231.64443
2Ethan Fiore / Pete VergosTampa, Fla. / Apopka, Fla.3232230.86432
3Cortez Schenck / Joseph GrondinPhoenix, Ariz. / San Pedro, Calif.3218229.86418
4J R Raymond / Cody ShoemakerClinton Twp., Mich. / Hanover, Pa.3190227.86390
5Nobuhito Fujii / Shota KawazoeJapan / Japan3165226.07365
6Frank Snodgrass / Jean PerezAdrian, MI / Puerto Rico3151225.07351
7Jarno Lahti / Rasmus EdvallTampere / Sweden3134223.86334
8Deo Benard / Eric JonesRoanoke, Texas / Edmond, Okla.3112222.29312
9Arturo Quintero / Ildemaro Ruiz Jr.Mexico / Venezuela3099221.36299
10Matt Kuba / Michael DavidsonMinster, Ohio / Versailles, Ohio3098221.29298
11Cameron Crowe / Alec KeplingerOrland Park, Ill. / Quincy, MI3088220.57288
12Martin Larsen / William SvenssonSweden / Sweden3087220.50287
13Benjamin Martinez / Nate StublerGuadalajara/ Mexico / LaSalle, Ill.3083220.21283
14Pontus Andersson / William BerggrenSweden / Nässjö3071219.36271
15Kaaron Salomaa / Carter MilasinovichHelsinki / Shelby Twp3071219.36271
16Tim Stampe / Mathias AnkerdalDenmark / Denmark3062218.71262
17Andrew Hall / Hunter KemptonWestborough, Mass. / Buzzards Bay, Mass.3055218.21255
18Phillip Watson / Tim GruendlerCahokia, Ill. / St. Louis, Mo.3033216.64233
19Paul Smith / Peter FoxMadison, Conn. / West Hartford, Conn.3011215.07211
20Samuel DeWitt III / Ryan LiederbachPittsburgh, Pa. / Northfield, Ohio3007214.79207
21Nicholas Luther / David NorthouseCoopersville, Mich. / Bryon Center, Mich.3001214.36201
22Paul Sullivan Purps / Tobias BoerdingWiesenaue, Germany / Germany2992213.71192
23Zulmazran Zulkifli / Callum BorckMalaysia / Perth, Austraillia2989213.50189
24James Blomgren / Robin IlhammarAlingsås / Sweden2981212.93181
25Tomokatsu Yamashita / Ryota IguchiNagasaki / Tokyo2973212.36173
26Arnar Jonsson / Christopher SloanIceland / Ireland2967211.93167
27Rory Clark / Nate PurchesMuskego, Wis. / Fond du Lac, Wis.2957211.21157
28Matt Murtishaw / Ramsey BasurtoMenifee, Calif. / Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif.2956211.14156
29Tyler Cruz / Thomas McNealTacoma, WA / Seattle, Wash.2932209.43132
30Ben Sobel / Brent BohoNew York, N.Y. / Colgate, Wis.2914208.14114
31Hiroki Takada / Takashi FujimuraOsaka, Japan / japan2880205.7180
32Bailey Mavrick / Zach NewmanPeru, Ind. / Wabash, Ind.2868204.8668
33Jaysion Anderson / Kyle MichaloskyLas Vegas, NV / Henderson, NV2846203.2946
34Rafael Medina / Carleton ChambersTexas / Detroit2845203.2145
35Karl Wahlgren / Robin PerssonHelsingborg / Sweden2834202.4334
36Cory Hersha / Tyler WildsLarwill, Ind. / Three Rivers, Mich.2783198.79-17
37Timothy Butz / Hunter MachinNorthampton / Dundalk,MD2690192.14-110
# Finish Team Hometown (W-L-T) Avg Pts Points Money
1 Cory Hersha / Tyler Wilds Larwill, Ind. / Three Rivers, Mich. -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
2 Rory Clark / Nate Purches Muskego, Wis. / Fond du Lac, Wis. -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
3 Andrew Hall / Hunter Kempton Westborough, Mass. / Buzzards Bay, Mass. -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
4 Cameron Crowe / Alec Keplinger Orland Park, Ill. / Quincy, MI -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
5 Anthony Neuer / Tim Foy Jr. Lewisburg, Pa. / Seaford, Del. -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
6 Matt Murtishaw / Ramsey Basurto Menifee, Calif. / Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
7 Arturo Quintero / Ildemaro Ruiz Jr. Mexico / Venezuela -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
8 Nicholas Luther / David Northouse Coopersville, Mich. / Bryon Center, Mich. -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
9 Cortez Schenck / Joseph Grondin Phoenix, Ariz. / San Pedro, Calif. -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
10 Bailey Mavrick / Zach Newman Peru, Ind. / Wabash, Ind. -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
11 Frank Snodgrass / Jean Perez Adrian, MI / Puerto Rico -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
12 Jarno Lahti / Rasmus Edvall Tampere / Sweden -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
13 Matt Kuba / Michael Davidson Minster, Ohio / Versailles, Ohio -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
14 Jaysion Anderson / Kyle Michalosky Las Vegas, NV / Henderson, NV -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
15 Deo Benard / Eric Jones Roanoke, Texas / Edmond, Okla. -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
16 Tomokatsu Yamashita / Ryota Iguchi Nagasaki / Tokyo -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
17 Hiroki Takada / Takashi Fujimura Osaka, Japan / japan -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
18 Ben Sobel / Brent Boho New York, N.Y. / Colgate, Wis. -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
19 Tyler Cruz / Thomas McNeal Tacoma, WA / Seattle, Wash. -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
20 Benjamin Martinez / Nate Stubler Guadalajara/ Mexico / LaSalle, Ill. -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
21 Nobuhito Fujii / Shota Kawazoe Japan / Japan -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
22 Paul Sullivan Purps / Tobias Boerding Wiesenaue, Germany / Germany -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
23 Paul Smith / Peter Fox Madison, Conn. / West Hartford, Conn. -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
24 J R Raymond / Cody Shoemaker Clinton Twp., Mich. / Hanover, Pa. -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
25 Phillip Watson / Tim Gruendler Cahokia, Ill. / St. Louis, Mo. -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
26 Ethan Fiore / Pete Vergos Tampa, Fla. / Apopka, Fla. -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
27 Tim Stampe / Mathias Ankerdal Denmark / Denmark -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
28 Kaaron Salomaa / Carter Milasinovich Helsinki / Shelby Twp -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
29 Martin Larsen / William Svensson Sweden / Sweden -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
30 Rafael Medina / Carleton Chambers Texas / Detroit -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
31 Pontus Andersson / William Berggren Sweden / Nässjö -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
32 James Blomgren / Robin Ilhammar Alingsås / Sweden -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
33 Karl Wahlgren / Robin Persson Helsingborg / Sweden -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
34 Samuel DeWitt III / Ryan Liederbach Pittsburgh, Pa. / Northfield, Ohio -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
35 Arnar Jonsson / Christopher Sloan Iceland / Ireland -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
36 Zulmazran Zulkifli / Callum Borck Malaysia / Perth, Austraillia -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00
37 Timothy Butz / Hunter Machin Northampton / Dundalk,MD -- 0.00 0.00 $0.00