pba regional tour east region

PBA Colony Park Lanes Challenge (non-champions event)

Event dates
Host center
Colony Park Lanes & Games

1900 Pennsylvania Ave.
York, 17404
United States

Friday May 24

Practice: 3-5 p.m.

Orientation Meeting: 5 p.m. (Mandatory for all first-time participants)

Saturday May 25

Roll Call is 30 minutes prior to all squads

Qualifying: 8 a.m. (six games)

Top 12 players advance


Bracket Round 1 (Qualifiers 5-12) bowl best of 3 games at 1:30 p.m.

Bracket Round 2 (Winners of Round 1 vs Qualifiers 1-4) bowl best of 3 games immediately following

Bracket Round 3 (Winners of Round 2) bowl single game immediately following

Bracket Round 4 (Winners of Round 3) bowl single game immediately following

Host: Terry Brenneman

Field Capacity: 65


PBA Challenge events are open to PBA members without a PBA title and, space allowing, to non-members who have never won a PBA event. Participants must be a USBC Member in good standing. Non-Members must meet the PBA minimum average requirements of 200 for 36 games in a USBC sanctioned league. PBA Members have priority over any Non Member up to 7 days before the event starts.

Entry Fee

PBA Members: $245

Non-Members: $310

Entry Deadline

Member entries open March 4. Non-members interested in bowling must e-mail tournament director at russ.mills@pba.com with request. Be sure to include phone number for contact should an opening occur. Online entries at midnight on Monday, May 20, 2024.

After the deadline, entries must be made directly with the Regional Manager.

Payout Ratio


BowlTV Regional Players Invitational

Points are not awarded for the BowlTV Regional Players Invitational.

Pattern  Holman

PBA Registered Products

2024 PBA Approved Equipment

The 2024 list of acceptable Urethane and Urethane-Like equipment made at 78.0HD+ is available on the schedule page under “quick links”.

1st Place is projected to pay $1,500

12th Place is projected to pay $600

Final cash spot is guaranteed to pay a minimum of $450

*All prize funds are projected off 60 entries*

Games Completed: 12

#PositionBowlerBowlerHometownHometownPinsPinsAvgAvg(W-L-T)(W-L-T)BPBonus PinsTPTotal Pins+/-+/-200
1Michael MirabileCoram, N.Y.2537230.644-1-0141439511751
2Jake FeherLevittown, Pa.2371215.553-2-0116235331333
3Michael MartellBrooklyn, N.Y.2327211.554-1-08253152952
4George KostjalNew Cumberland, Pa.2234223.402-2-0135835921592
5Malik GroveBelchertown, Mass.2379216.273-2-0170040791879
6Ryan MitskavichDuBois, Pa.2521210.083-3-0236048812481
7Stephen MajorBrockton, Mass.1718214.750-2-03702088488
8Mark ArtleyMilton, Pa.2514209.503-3-0243449482548
9Michael PuzoWorcester, Mass1651206.380-2-03091960360
10Michael McNicholStaten Island, N.Y.1657207.130-2-03381995395
11Jason JeffriesBarto, Pa.1953217.001-2-0130832611461
12Eric CornogCherry Hill, N.J.1871207.891-2-0116430351235
13Michael ZanghiDover, Del.1282213.670-0-00128282
# Finish Bowler Hometown (W-L-T) Avg Pts Points Money
1 Michael Mirabile Coram, N.Y. 4-1-0 230.64 0.00 $1,500.00
2 Jake Feher Levittown, Pa. 3-2-0 215.55 0.00 $825.00
3 Michael Martell Brooklyn, N.Y. 4-1-0 211.55 0.00 $750.00
4 George Kostjal New Cumberland, Pa. 2-2-0 223.40 0.00 $750.00
5 Malik Grove Belchertown, Mass. 3-2-0 216.27 0.00 $650.00
6 Ryan Mitskavich DuBois, Pa. 3-3-0 210.08 0.00 $650.00
7 Stephen Major Brockton, Mass. 0-2-0 214.75 0.00 $650.00
8 Mark Artley Milton, Pa. 3-3-0 209.50 0.00 $650.00
9 Michael Puzo Worcester, Mass 0-2-0 206.38 0.00 $600.00
10 Michael McNichol Staten Island, N.Y. 0-2-0 207.13 0.00 $600.00
11 Jason Jeffries Barto, Pa. 1-2-0 217.00 0.00 $600.00
12 Eric Cornog Cherry Hill, N.J. 1-2-0 207.89 0.00 $600.00
13 Michael Zanghi Dover, Del. 0-0-0 213.67 0.00 $550.00
14 David Parr Beaver Falls, Pa. -- 213.00 0.00 $520.00
15 Kevin Cross Front Royal, Va. -- 212.83 0.00 $510.00
16 Robert Fitzgerald Dillsburg, PA -- 211.33 0.00 $500.00
17 William Little Fulton, Md. -- 211.33 0.00 $490.00
18 Alexander Marx Toms River, N.J. -- 211.17 0.00 $480.00
19 Robert Becker Winchester, Va. -- 208.83 0.00 $470.00
20 Scott Schnur, Jr. York, Pa. -- 208.00 0.00 $460.00
21 Hector Medina II Woodbridge, Va. -- 206.67 0.00 $450.00
22 Brian Klonarides Ashburn, Va. -- 206.33 0.00 $0.00
23 Owen Darby Easton, Pa. -- 205.33 0.00 $0.00
24 Dean Cool Jr Orrtanna, Pa -- 203.33 0.00 $0.00
25 Nick Johnson Jefferson Hills, Pa. -- 203.00 0.00 $0.00
26 Trevor Ashby Springfield, W. Va. -- 201.50 0.00 $0.00
27 Amando Villa Bayside, N.Y. -- 200.83 0.00 $0.00
28 Troy Lehigh Millsboro, Del. -- 200.33 0.00 $0.00
29 Sheldon McKinney Burnsville, N.C. -- 199.33 0.00 $0.00
30 Caleb Vicars Chesapeake, Va. -- 198.83 0.00 $0.00
31 Jake Asta Nebo, N.C. -- 197.33 0.00 $275.00
32 William Black Hagerstown, Md. -- 197.33 0.00 $0.00
33 Jeremy Domingo Sewell, N.J. -- 196.17 0.00 $0.00
34 Johnathan Norman Houston, Texas -- 195.67 0.00 $0.00
35 Brian Elder Newark, Del. -- 195.50 0.00 $0.00
36 Adam Travis Cockeysville, Md. -- 194.33 0.00 $0.00
37 Jason Boyer Birdsboro, Pa. -- 193.83 0.00 $0.00
38 Joseph Sheperis Matawan, NJ -- 193.67 0.00 $0.00
39 Joey Royer Jr. Lewisburg, Pa. -- 192.67 0.00 $0.00
40 Jacob Snyder Emmaus, Pa. -- 192.00 0.00 $0.00
41 Brian Prye Waynesboro, Pa. -- 190.33 0.00 $0.00
42 Brett Groff Saratoga Springs, N.Y. -- 188.17 0.00 $0.00
43 Dylan Reed Waynesboro, Pa. -- 187.50 0.00 $0.00
44 Stefan Fetyko Hazlet, New Jersey -- 186.00 0.00 $0.00
45 Kyle Byers Biglerville, Pa. -- 184.67 0.00 $0.00
46 Terry Mize Hagerstown, Md. -- 184.67 0.00 $0.00
47 Larry Roberts Sykesville, Md. -- 182.00 0.00 $0.00
48 Dylan Bowers Wilmington, DE -- 181.83 0.00 $0.00
49 Gregory Tack Port Murray, N.J. -- 181.17 0.00 $0.00
50 Eric Martell Hagerstown -- 180.50 0.00 $0.00
51 Scott Williams Aberdeen, Md. -- 178.00 0.00 $0.00
52 Kevin Junice Old Bridge, N.J. -- 177.50 0.00 $0.00
53 Ryan Giblin Feasterville, Pa. -- 176.67 0.00 $0.00
54 Dave North Chestertown, Md -- 176.00 0.00 $0.00
55 Nathaniel Burns Phillipsburg, N.J. -- 171.33 0.00 $0.00
56 Deraill Miller Newark NJ -- 170.67 0.00 $0.00
57 Robert Reinoehl Middleburg, Pa. -- 170.50 0.00 $0.00
58 Christopher Germain South Brunswick NJ -- 169.67 0.00 $0.00
59 Benjamin Lamb Red Lion, Pa. -- 166.50 0.00 $0.00
60 Gregory Smith Baltimore -- 166.00 0.00 $0.00
61 Eric Batchelor Plainfield NJ -- 165.00 0.00 $0.00
62 Cory Byers Biglerville, Pennsylvania -- 155.50 0.00 $0.00
63 Todd Kelly Sicklerville NJ -- 155.33 0.00 $0.00
64 Darryl Carreon Springfield, VA -- 158.50 0.00 $0.00
65 Dominic Goodspeed Windsor Mill, Md. -- 125.00 0.00 $0.00