PBA Tournament of Champions PTQ

Event dates
Host center
AMF Riviera Lanes

20 S Miller Rd,
Fairlawn, OH 44333
United States

Monday, March 13

Pre-Tournament Qualifier (PTQ) (eight games) 9 a.m.

Practice: 3 p.m.

A full schedule of the PBA Tournament of Champions can be found here.

PBA Tournament of Champions Prize Fund: $350,000

Tournament Host Center

AMF Riviera Lanes

20 S Miller Rd.

Fairlawn, OH 44333

(330) 836-7985


Participant must be a PBA champion.

Participant must be a PBA member.


PTQ entries open Monday, Nov. 21 and close Saturday, Feb. 25 at 11 p.m. CT. All PBA Regional Tour and PBA50 Tour champions will need to enter the PTQ. Only eight (8) players will advance to the elite field from the PTQ.

Phone and mailed entries will not be accepted. Anyone needing instructions on how to enter online can contact membership services at (206) 332-9688.

Any entries received after the final entry deadline will incur a late fee.

Entry Fees

PBA PTQ Entry Fee - $250

Oil Pattern

Smith 41

To review the current PBA membership guide and rule book, click here.

Current Round: Round 1

Games Completed: 8

PositionSquadBowlerHometownPinsAVG+/- 200
1AAJ ChapmanManchester, Iowa1899237.38299
2ATim GruendlerSt. Louis, Mo.1853231.63253
3ANick PateInver Grove Heights, Minn.1834229.25234
4ABrandon NovakChillicothe, Ohio1812226.50212
5AFrank SnodgrassAdrian, MI1812226.50212
6AJR RaymondClinton Twp., Mich.1788223.50188
7AJean PerezPuerto Rico1777222.13177
8ABrad MillerLees Summit, Mo.1775221.88175
9ACody ShoemakerHanover, Pa.1772221.50172
10APacky HanrahanWichita, Kan.1767220.88167
11AZac TackettHuntington, Ind.1766220.75166
12AToby SambuenoApopka, FL1760220.00160
13AEric JonesEdmond, Okla.1750218.75150
14AJoseph GrondinSan Pedro, Calif.1734216.75134
15ATim PfeiferOakdale, Pa.1730216.25130
16ANate GarciaPort St. Lucie, Fla.1726215.75126
17APatrick DombrowskiParma, Ohio1712214.00112
18AAnthony Lavery-SpahrPasadena, Texas1709213.63109
19AKevin McCuneMunster, Ind.1709213.63109
20ACraig LeMondJasper, Ind.1708213.50108
21ASean Lavery-SpahrPasadena, Texas1704213.00104
22ATyler Cortez SchenckPhoenix, Ariz.1703212.88103
23ABrian RobinsonMorgantown, W. Va.1697212.1397
24AMichael DavidsonVersailles, Ohio1691211.3891
25AZach WeidmanIndianapolis, Ind.1687210.8887
26ACarlos GranadosVenezuela1687210.8887
27ADallas LeongLas Vegas, Nev.1685210.6385
28ABenjamin MartinezGuadalajara/ Mexico1665208.1365
29ARamsey BasurtoRancho Palos Verdes, Calif.1659207.3859
30APeter FoxWest Hartford, Conn.1648206.0048
31ARyan LanePowder Springs, Ga.1612201.5012
32ARyan GraywaczCanastota, N.Y.1611201.3811
33AMatt KubaMinster, Ohio1607200.887
34AMatt ZweigTempe, Ariz.1603200.383
35AJustin KnowlesOkemos, Mich.1600200.000
36ANathan BohrAustin, Texas1599199.88-1
37ABrandon RunkMilton, Pa.1591198.88-9
38AWesley Low Jr.Palmdale, Calif.1589198.63-11
39AIldemaro RuizVenezuela1583197.88-17
40ABlake DemoreSpringfield, Mo.1577197.13-23
41ANate StublerLaSalle, Ill.1574196.75-26
42ATrevor RobertsCrystal River, Fla.1569196.13-31
43AAJ JohnsonOswego, Ill.1555194.38-45
44ADeeronn BookerAnaheim, Calif.1551193.88-49
45AAnthony NeuerLewisburg, Pa.1550193.75-50
46ATony JohnsonAuburndale, Fla.1527190.88-73
47AZach GentileModena, N.Y.1520190.00-80
48ADwight AdamsGreensboro, N.C1501187.63-99
49ABen SobelNew York, N.Y.1481185.13-119
50ARyan LiederbachNorthfield, Ohio1446180.75-154
51ATim Cagle IIHercules, Calif.1385173.13-215
# Finish Bowler Hometown (W-L-T) Avg Pts Points Money
1 AJ Chapman Manchester, Iowa -- 237.38 0.00 $0.00
2 Tim Gruendler St. Louis, Mo. -- 231.63 0.00 $0.00
3 Nick Pate Inver Grove Heights, Minn. -- 229.25 0.00 $0.00
4 Brandon Novak Chillicothe, Ohio -- 226.50 0.00 $0.00
5 Frank Snodgrass Adrian, MI -- 226.50 0.00 $0.00
6 JR Raymond Clinton Twp., Mich. -- 223.50 0.00 $0.00
7 Jean Perez Puerto Rico -- 222.13 0.00 $0.00
8 Brad Miller Lees Summit, Mo. -- 221.88 0.00 $0.00
9 Cody Shoemaker Hanover, Pa. -- 221.50 0.00 $0.00
10 Packy Hanrahan Wichita, Kan. -- 220.88 0.00 $0.00
11 Zac Tackett Huntington, Ind. -- 220.75 0.00 $0.00
12 Toby Sambueno Apopka, FL -- 220.00 0.00 $0.00
13 Eric Jones Edmond, Okla. -- 218.75 0.00 $0.00
14 Joseph Grondin San Pedro, Calif. -- 216.75 0.00 $0.00
15 Tim Pfeifer Oakdale, Pa. -- 216.25 0.00 $0.00
16 Nate Garcia Port St. Lucie, Fla. -- 215.75 0.00 $0.00
17 Patrick Dombrowski Parma, Ohio -- 214.00 0.00 $0.00
18 Kevin McCune Munster, Ind. -- 213.63 0.00 $0.00
19 Anthony Lavery-Spahr Pasadena, Texas -- 213.63 0.00 $0.00
20 Craig LeMond Jasper, Ind. -- 213.50 0.00 $0.00
21 Sean Lavery-Spahr Pasadena, Texas -- 213.00 0.00 $0.00
22 Tyler Cortez Schenck Phoenix, Ariz. -- 212.88 0.00 $0.00
23 Brian Robinson Morgantown, W. Va. -- 212.13 0.00 $0.00
24 Michael Davidson Versailles, Ohio -- 211.38 0.00 $0.00
25 Carlos Granados Venezuela -- 210.88 0.00 $0.00
26 Zach Weidman Indianapolis, Ind. -- 210.88 0.00 $0.00
27 Dallas Leong Las Vegas, Nev. -- 210.63 0.00 $0.00
28 Benjamin Martinez Guadalajara/ Mexico -- 208.13 0.00 $0.00
29 Ramsey Basurto Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. -- 207.38 0.00 $0.00
30 Peter Fox West Hartford, Conn. -- 206.00 0.00 $0.00
31 Ryan Lane Powder Springs, Ga. -- 201.50 0.00 $0.00
32 Ryan Graywacz Canastota, N.Y. -- 201.38 0.00 $0.00
33 Matt Kuba Minster, Ohio -- 200.88 0.00 $0.00
34 Matt Zweig Tempe, Ariz. -- 200.38 0.00 $0.00
35 Justin Knowles Okemos, Mich. -- 200.00 0.00 $0.00
36 Nathan Bohr Austin, Texas -- 199.88 0.00 $0.00
37 Brandon Runk Milton, Pa. -- 198.88 0.00 $0.00
38 Wesley Low Jr. Palmdale, Calif. -- 198.63 0.00 $0.00
39 Ildemaro Ruiz Venezuela -- 197.88 0.00 $0.00
40 Blake Demore Springfield, Mo. -- 197.13 0.00 $0.00
41 Nate Stubler LaSalle, Ill. -- 196.75 0.00 $0.00
42 Trevor Roberts Crystal River, Fla. -- 196.13 0.00 $0.00
43 AJ Johnson Oswego, Ill. -- 194.38 0.00 $0.00
44 Deeronn Booker Anaheim, Calif. -- 193.88 0.00 $0.00
45 Anthony Neuer Lewisburg, Pa. -- 193.75 0.00 $0.00
46 Tony Johnson Auburndale, Fla. -- 190.88 0.00 $0.00
47 Zach Gentile Modena, N.Y. -- 190.00 0.00 $0.00
48 Dwight Adams Greensboro, N.C -- 187.63 0.00 $0.00
49 Ben Sobel New York, N.Y. -- 185.13 0.00 $0.00
50 Ryan Liederbach Northfield, Ohio -- 180.75 0.00 $0.00
51 Tim Cagle II Hercules, Calif. -- 173.13 0.00 $0.00