PBA Central Region

PBA BOWLERO/Evansville Central/Midwest Open (One Day Event)

Event dates
Host center
AMF Arc Lanes

4901 Monroe Avenue
Evansville, IN 47715
United States

Friday, April 21

Note: Bowling Center is on Central Standard Time (CST).

Practice Session: 3-5 p.m.

Orientation Meeting: 5 p.m. (Mandatory for all first-time participants)

Saturday, April 22

Roll call is 30 minutes prior to all squads.

A Squad: 8 a.m. – (eight games)

Top 16 players advance (based on 64 entries or more).

Bracket Match Play: 1:30 p.m.


Participant must be a USBC Member in good standing. Non members must meet PBA average requirements of 200 for 36 games in a USBC sanctioned league.

This event is a Central & Midwest Region event and will count for points in the Central & Midwest Regions. Only Full PBA Members will be able to qualify for the year end RPI in Las Vegas, Nevada. To qualify for the RPI, you must bowl in 3 events within the region in the calendar year.


Bowlero Corporation; GM Zach Johnson


PBA Webb 38

Payout Ratio


Entry Fee

PBA Members: $245

Non-Members: $310 (money order, cashiers check or credit card only)

Field Capacity

72 (subject to change)

Entry Deadline

Online entries for members and non-members opens at midnight on Monday, February 6th .

Online entries for members and non-members close at midnight on Monday, April 17th.

After the deadline, entries must be made directly with the PBA Central Region Manager.
Note: PBA Members have entry priority up to 7 days prior to the start of the event.

Product Registration
There have been some changes in product registration. For a complete list of current Product Registered companies, go to http://www.pba.com/resources/equipmentSponsors.asp?Type=1

1st Place is projected to pay $2,000

16th Place is projected to pay $525

Final cash spot is guaranteed to pay a minimum of $450.

Current Round: Round 1

Games Completed: 15

PositionBowlerHometownPinsAVG(W-L-T)Bonus PinsTotal Pins+/- 200
1Graham FachUrbana, Ohio3322237.296-0-098643081508
2Kim BollebySweden3156225.435-1-095641121312
3Tomas KäyhköFinland3015231.924-1-097239871387
4Matt SandersEvansville, Ind.3529235.274-3-0299065193519
5Brent BohoColgate, Wis.2807215.923-2-0178845951995
6Phillip WatsonCahokia, Ill.2643220.252-2-080634491049
7Jeffery MannW. Lafayette, Ind.2809216.082-3-0168344921892
8David NorthouseBryon Center, Mich.2833217.922-3-0181546482048
9Nate PurchesFond du Lac, Wis.2409219.001-2-0124836571457
10Kevin PlyleyRichmond, Ind.2405218.641-2-0132237271527
11Michael SchlabachWakarusa, Ind.2410219.091-2-0142238321632
12Mike Eaton Jr.Byron Center, Mich.2136213.600-2-03392475475
13Ben SobelNew York, N.Y.2166216.600-2-03842550550
14Daniel FarishLouisville, Ky.2023202.300-2-03402363363
15Ryan LiederbachNorthfield, Ohio2080208.000-2-04032483483
16Joseph GrondinSan Pedro, Calif.2075207.500-2-04082483483
17Joshua BaumstarkChicago, Ill.1656207.000-0-00165656
# Finish Bowler Hometown (W-L-T) Avg Pts Points Money
1 Graham Fach Urbana, Ohio 6-0-0 237.29 2,500.00 $2,400.00
2 Kim Bolleby Sweden 5-1-0 225.43 1,500.00 $1,300.00
3 Tomas Käyhkö Finland 4-1-0 231.92 1,150.00 $1,000.00
4 Matt Sanders Evansville, Ind. 4-3-0 235.27 950.00 $1,000.00
5 Brent Boho Colgate, Wis. 3-2-0 215.92 850.00 $800.00
6 Phillip Watson Cahokia, Ill. 2-2-0 220.25 775.00 $800.00
7 Jeffery Mann W. Lafayette, Ind. 2-3-0 216.08 745.00 $800.00
8 David Northouse Bryon Center, Mich. 2-3-0 217.92 715.00 $800.00
9 Nate Purches Fond du Lac, Wis. 1-2-0 219.00 685.00 $625.00
10 Kevin Plyley Richmond, Ind. 1-2-0 218.64 655.00 $625.00
11 Michael Schlabach Wakarusa, Ind. 1-2-0 219.09 625.00 $625.00
12 Mike Eaton Jr. Byron Center, Mich. 0-2-0 213.60 595.00 $625.00
13 Ben Sobel New York, N.Y. 0-2-0 216.60 565.00 $625.00
14 Daniel Farish Louisville, Ky. 0-2-0 202.30 535.00 $625.00
15 Ryan Liederbach Northfield, Ohio 0-2-0 208.00 505.00 $625.00
16 Joseph Grondin San Pedro, Calif. 0-2-0 207.50 475.00 $625.00
17 Joshua Baumstark Chicago, Ill. 0-0-0 207.00 445.00 $500.00
18 Tim Gruendler St. Louis, Mo. -- 206.00 425.00 $500.00
19 Zach Newman Wabash, Ind. -- 205.88 405.00 $500.00
20 Lance Morris Beattyville, Ky. -- 205.13 385.00 $500.00
21 Noel Vega Brooklyn, N.Y. -- 205.00 365.00 $475.00
22 Michael Rachal Lafayette, La. -- 204.25 345.00 $475.00
23 Cory Hersha Larwill, Ind. -- 203.88 325.00 $475.00
24 Craig LeMond Jasper, Ind. -- 202.88 305.00 $0.00
25 Joonas Jahi Finland -- 202.75 285.00 $0.00
26 Jonathan Schalow Evansville, Wis. -- 200.75 275.00 $0.00
27 Allen Wachter Cynthiana, Ky. -- 200.38 265.00 $0.00
28 Evan Genz Richmond, Ind. -- 200.13 255.00 $0.00
29 Timothy Curran St. Louis, Mo. -- 199.00 245.00 $0.00
30 Bailey Mavrick Peru, Ind. -- 198.38 235.00 $0.00
31 Ryan Lakota Minster, Ohio -- 196.50 225.00 $0.00
32 Nicholas Graveel Fishers, Ind. -- 196.38 215.00 $0.00
33 Brandon Flora Mt. Washington, Ky. -- 195.63 205.00 $0.00
34 Gerald Marrs Lake in the Hills, Ill. -- 195.00 200.00 $0.00
35 Michael Moore Carlisle, Ky. -- 191.75 192.00 $0.00
36 Steve Ludwig Salem, Ill. -- 191.75 192.00 $0.00
37 Cody Poole New Boston, Ohio -- 191.00 185.00 $0.00
38 Treg Smart Newark, Ohio -- 190.63 180.00 $0.00
39 Nick Kruml Downers Grove, Ill. -- 190.25 175.00 $0.00
40 Jarrod Melton Bedford, Ind. -- 187.75 170.00 $0.00
41 Joseph Loyd Lancaster, Ohio -- 187.50 165.00 $0.00
42 Evan Mitten Terre Haute, Ind. -- 186.50 160.00 $0.00
43 Dan Gifford Camanche, Iowa -- 186.00 155.00 $0.00
44 Andrew Halvorson Oxford, Ala. -- 185.50 145.00 $0.00
45 Paul LeMond Jasper, Ind. -- 185.50 145.00 $0.00
46 Derek Dillon Dexter, Ky. -- 185.50 145.00 $0.00
47 Cameron Bechtol Alexandria, Ky. -- 184.13 135.00 $0.00
48 Charlie Brown Jr. Grandville, Mich. -- 183.75 130.00 $0.00
49 Jamsion Peyton Valley Park, Mo. -- 183.13 125.00 $0.00
50 Jacob Smith Peru, Ind. -- 180.50 120.00 $0.00
51 Nick DeCesaro Kenosha, Wis. -- 179.75 115.00 $0.00
52 Lance Williams Ft. Wayne, Ind. -- 178.50 110.00 $0.00
53 Allen Criswell Fort Wayne, Ind. -- 177.63 105.00 $0.00
54 Erik Dashner Toledo, Ohio -- 176.88 100.00 $0.00
55 Randy Robertson Evansville, Ind. -- 176.88 95.00 $0.00
56 Aiden Fellows Terre Haute, Ind. -- 176.13 90.00 $0.00
57 Brad Delmarle Warren, Mich. -- 175.38 85.00 $0.00
58 Nathan Michalowski Mount Pleasant, Wis. -- 173.13 80.00 $0.00
59 Bill Crane III Mishawaka, Ind. -- 173.00 75.00 $0.00
60 Nathaniel Rayburn St. Louis, Mo. -- 170.75 70.00 $0.00
61 Robert Fisher Lapeer, Mich. -- 170.38 65.00 $0.00
62 Brent Dowell Raymore, Mo. -- 166.50 60.00 $0.00
63 Matthew Patrick Kendallville, Ind. -- 165.13 55.00 $0.00
64 Joshua Browning Centralia, Ill. -- 164.75 50.00 $0.00
65 Daniel Perkins Cynthiana, Ky. -- 163.50 45.00 $0.00
66 Andrew Wills Cynthiana, Ky. -- 162.75 45.00 $0.00
67 Brandon Pierce Moberly, Mo. -- 161.88 45.00 $0.00
68 Christopher Reffett Cynthiana, Ky. -- 160.38 45.00 $0.00
69 Brandon Long Champaign, Ill. -- 157.75 45.00 $0.00
70 Christopher Lequerica Bluford, Ill. -- 154.25 45.00 $0.00
71 Jordon Ducharme Paris, Ill. -- 141.00 45.00 $0.00