PBA Central Region

PBA Monroe Sport Center Central Challenge (One Day/Non-Champions Event)

Event dates
Host center
Monroe Sport Center

15425 S. Dixie Highway
Monroe, MI 48161
United States

Friday, November 18

  • Practice Session:  2-4 p.m.
  • Orientation Meeting: 4 p.m. (Mandatory for all first-time participants)

Saturday, November 19

  • Roll call is 30 minutes prior to all squads.
  • A Squad: 8 a.m. – (seven games)
  • Top 12 players advance to Bracket Match Play beginning at 1:30 p.m.
  • Finals format will be adjusted accordingly with less than 48 entries.

All competitors and non-competitors will follow the local governmental mandate for the wearing of facemasks. The PBA encourages social distancing when possible. This policy is subject to change or modification.


  • PBA Challenge events are open to PBA members who do not hold a PBA title and non-members who have never won a PBA event.
  • Participant must be a USBC Member in good standing. Non members must meet PBA average requirements.

The Held Family

PBA Holman 38

Payout Ratio

Entry Fee

  • PBA Members: $200
  • Non-Members: $265 (money order, cashiers check or credit card only)

Field Capacity
60 (subject to change)

Entry Deadline

  • Online entries for members and non-members opens at midnight on Monday July 11th.
  • Online entries for members and non-members close at midnight on Monday, November 14th.
  • After the deadline, entries must be made directly with the PBA Central Region Manager.

Balance Holes
Beginning August 1, 2020, the use of a balance hole is prohibited. The rule states all holes in a bowling ball must be used on every delivery; any hole not used is considered a balance hole, making the ball illegal. Bowlers who do not use their thumb no longer can have a thumb hole, as it now is considered a balance hole. They also need to mark their ball to show where they place their palm on delivery.

W-9 Forms
IRS is requiring that we get new W-9 forms for all bowlers who earn winnings in PBA events. Players that have filled out W-9’s in 2020 and have recently changed residence will need to fill out an updated form. This requirement pertains to all participants, whether you are a member or not.
Product Registration
There have been some changes in product registration.  For a complete list of 2022 Product Registered companies, go to

  • 1st Place is projected to pay $1,500
  • 12th Place is projected to pay $550
  • Final cash spot is guaranteed to pay a minimum of $400.

Current Round: Round 1

Games Completed: 14

PositionBowlerHometownPinsAVG(W-L-T)Bonus PinsTotal Pins+/- 200
1Ben SobelNew York, N.Y.2819216.856-0-084636651065
2Treg SmartNewark, Ohio2771213.155-1-084736181018
3L. DeNoon Jr.Fairview, W. Va.2403218.452-2-0120436071407
4Cory HershaLarwill, Ind.2901207.214-3-0244853492549
5Justin O'ShaughnessyJackson, Mich.2160216.001-2-0110832681268
6Daniel FarishLouisville, Ky.2554212.833-2-0166442181818
7Patrick YoungToledo, Ohio1963218.110-2-03592322522
8Jeffery MannW. Lafayette, Ind.1951216.780-2-03662317517
9Michael HamiltonParkersburg, W. Va.2155215.501-2-0127834331433
10Aaron PhillipsGrand Haven, Mich.1931214.560-2-03782309509
11Brent BohoColgate, Wis.1934214.890-2-03972331531
12Noel VegaBrooklyn, N.Y.1848205.330-2-03402188388
13Dan MarriottCleveland, Ohio1470210.000-0-00147070
# Finish Bowler Hometown (W-L-T) Avg Pts Points Money
1 Ben Sobel New York, N.Y. 6-0-0 216.85 0.00 $1,500.00
2 Treg Smart Newark, Ohio 5-1-0 213.15 0.00 $1,000.00
3 L. DeNoon Jr. Fairview, W. Va. 2-2-0 218.45 0.00 $750.00
4 Cory Hersha Larwill, Ind. 4-3-0 207.21 0.00 $750.00
5 Justin O'Shaughnessy Jackson, Mich. 1-2-0 216.00 0.00 $650.00
6 Daniel Farish Louisville, Ky. 3-2-0 212.83 0.00 $650.00
7 Patrick Young Toledo, Ohio 0-2-0 218.11 0.00 $650.00
8 Jeffery Mann W. Lafayette, Ind. 0-2-0 216.78 0.00 $650.00
9 Michael Hamilton Parkersburg, W. Va. 1-2-0 215.50 0.00 $550.00
10 Aaron Phillips Grand Haven, Mich. 0-2-0 214.56 0.00 $550.00
11 Brent Boho Colgate, Wis. 0-2-0 214.89 0.00 $550.00
12 Noel Vega Brooklyn, N.Y. 0-2-0 205.33 0.00 $550.00
13 Dan Marriott Cleveland, Ohio 0-0-0 210.00 0.00 $425.00
14 Marcus Oien Traverse City, Mich. -- 209.86 0.00 $425.00
15 Bill Crane III Mishawaka, Ind. -- 209.14 0.00 $412.50
16 Michael Adams Fresno, Ohio -- 209.14 0.00 $412.50
17 Zeke Bayt Westerville, Ohio -- 208.00 0.00 $400.00
18 Michael Moore Carlisle, Ky. -- 204.29 0.00 $400.00
19 Marc Protske Ypsilanti, Mich. -- 202.00 0.00 $0.00
20 BJ Satkowski Jackson, Mich. -- 200.71 0.00 $0.00
21 Aaron Amin Canton, Mich. -- 199.14 0.00 $0.00
22 Anthony Moses Southfield, Mich. -- 198.14 0.00 $220.00
23 Greg Brown Dorset, Ohio -- 197.71 0.00 $0.00
24 Corey Kistner Chatham, Ill. -- 197.14 0.00 $0.00
25 Scott Patke Cheboygan, Mich. -- 197.14 0.00 $0.00
26 Jesse Gonzales Massillon, Ohio -- 197.00 0.00 $0.00
27 Allen Snyder Huber Heights, Ohio -- 196.43 0.00 $0.00
28 John Lawson Griffith, Ind. -- 195.71 0.00 $0.00
29 Randy Robertson Evansville, Ind. -- 194.86 0.00 $0.00
30 Steven Lunsford Plainfield, Ill. -- 193.00 0.00 $0.00
31 Shawn Wilson Hudson, Mich. -- 191.86 0.00 $0.00
32 Tim Bell Garden City, Mich. -- 190.71 0.00 $0.00
33 Zachary Kilbourne Lansing, Mich. -- 190.57 0.00 $0.00
34 Chad Vendeville Otsego, Mich. -- 189.57 0.00 $0.00
35 Shawn Fitch Tiffin, Ohio -- 189.29 0.00 $0.00
36 Zach Newman Wabash, Ind. -- 185.71 0.00 $0.00
37 Steven Click Wellsville, Ohio -- 185.71 0.00 $0.00
38 Ben Snyder Maryville, Tenn. -- 185.29 0.00 $0.00
39 Robert Fisher Lapeer, Mich. -- 184.86 0.00 $0.00
40 Jarrod Melton Bedford, Ind. -- 184.57 0.00 $0.00
41 Josh Brown Owosso, Mich. -- 184.43 0.00 $0.00
42 Jeff Damasiewicz Bay Village, Ohio -- 183.57 0.00 $0.00
43 Kyle Gillum Columbus, Ohio -- 183.00 0.00 $0.00
44 Brandon Woodard Detroit, MI -- 180.29 0.00 $0.00
45 Dennis Briggs New Galilee, Pa. -- 180.14 0.00 $0.00
46 Shane Yesovich Windham, Ohio -- 178.29 0.00 $0.00
47 Matt Jakob Hilliard, Ohio -- 176.57 0.00 $0.00
48 Jim Dilyard Burbank, Ohio -- 175.43 0.00 $0.00
49 Michael Hoffmeyer Roseville, Mich. -- 175.00 0.00 $0.00
50 Michael Zerrien Galloway, Ohio -- 169.43 0.00 $0.00
51 Daniel Perkins Cynthiana, Ky. -- 168.57 0.00 $0.00
52 Joseph Weeman Orrville, Ohio -- 167.57 0.00 $0.00
53 Steve Tobolt La Porte, Ind. -- 167.00 0.00 $0.00
54 Adan Guerrero LaSalle, Ill. -- 154.29 0.00 $0.00
55 Kyle Clement Dafter, Mich. -- 178.50 0.00 $0.00