PBA Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response
These guidelines are intended to provide guidance for effective hand hygiene, supporting social distancing, and performing environmental cleaning and disinfection to assist in controlling customer and employee exposure to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) or similar viral illnesses at PBA National events. We have prepared this document following recommendations from WHO, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and to respond to current elevated levels of public concern in regard to the subject virus. These guidelines are subject to change as we learn more from those and other authorities.
The following describes the approach taken to reduce risk of exposures during operations in a time of elevated concern regarding COVID-19.
Health Checks
Before entering the center, all associates, players and crew will be met outside where your temperature will be taken by a PBA staff member.
If the associate, player or crew has a temperature at or above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, they are not permitted to enter the building.
NOTE: Results can be impacted if a person has been in a warm area (warm car, standing in the sun, etc.) prior to taking the temperature reading. To ensure an accurate reading, wait a few minutes and retake the person’s temperature.
If you have been ill prior to arriving: Please do not enter the building until you are free of fever (100.4 or greater) for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines (e.g. cough suppressants)
Associates, players or crew who appear to have acute respiratory illness symptoms (i.e. cough, shortness of breath) should be isolated from others and sent home immediately.
Hand hygiene should be performed frequently by everyone inside the center, especially:
- After removing PPE
- After cleaning high-touch surfaces
- Prior to eating, drinking, smoking, applying cosmetics (including lip balms) or eye drops.
- After blowing one’s nose, coughing, or sneezing
- After using the restroom
- Before eating or preparing food
- After contact with animals or pets
- Before and after providing routine care for another person who needs assistance (e.g., a child)
What is “hand hygiene”? Soap & Water; Alcohol-Based Hand sanitizer
You will find hand sanitizer stations and hand washing signs with an adequate supply of hand soap and disposable towels. The current recommended steps include frequently washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, performing hand sanitization using an alcohol-based hand rub with at least 60% alcohol or similarly effective anti-microbial agent or a combination of hand washing and sanitization. Visibly soiled hands should always be washed. Individuals should avoid touching their eyes, noses, mouths or faces.
No-touch disposal receptacles will be available for use.
Associates, players and crew should not share phones, desks, shoes, balls, accessories, clothing, offices, or other work tools and equipment.
Social Distancing
We know you want to celebrate that strike, but all players, crew and staff must avoid high-fives, handshakes, and other person-to-person contact.
Associates, crew and players should maintain six (6) feet from one another, and are encouraged to take breaks and meals outside, in their office, personal workspace, or in such other areas where proper social distancing is attainable.
While bowling, players will maintain social distancing by keeping at least one (1) lane apart.
The arcades will be closed during PBA events.
Center staff will regularly clean high-touch surfaces with cleaning agents regularly utilized in these areas according to company guidelines. Staff will also routinely clean and disinfect restrooms, hand washing sinks and basins. For a current list of cleaning and disinfecting products, please refer to “EPA’s Registered Antimicrobial Products for Use Against Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the Cause of COVID-19”.
Players must disinfect their own bowling balls and accessories regularly. There will be no sharing of bowling balls and accessories between players.
PPE-Personal Protective Equipment
Bowlero employees and PBA staff will be required to wear:
- Disposable gloves when cleaning, touching or throwing out trash, cooking/preparing food. Immediately following removal of gloves and any other PPE, employees and staff must properly wash their hands.
- Face masks, which must be worn by 100% of employees and staff, 100% of the time while on company property
Posters that encourage staying home when sick, cough and sneeze etiquette, and hand hygiene will be posted at the entrance to the PBA event and in other workplace areas where they are likely to be seen.
Please help ensure everyone’s safety by following these guidelines. You will also notice other signage to help ensure social distancing guidelines.
- Signage indicating foot traffic flow
- Social distancing “X” marks on the floor inside the center
Additional documentation on mass gatherings is available from CDC.