1624 E Main Ave
Puyallup, WA 98372
United States
Friday May 12th
Practice: 4pm-6pm
Orientation Meeting: 6pm (First Time Participants Only)
Pro-Am: 1pm & 7pm
Saturday May 13th
1:30pm- Roll Call
2:00pm- A squad Qualifying (8 Games)
Cut to the top 12 for Sundays Finals
7:30pm- Pro Am
Sunday May 14th
8:30am- Roll Call
9:00am- Modified Round Robin Match Play (8 Games)
1:30pm- Top 4 Step Ladder
Field Capacity
Participant must be a USBC Member in good standing. Non members must meet the PBA minimum average requirements of 200 for 36 games in a USBC sanctioned league. PBA Members have priority over any Non Member up to 7 days before the event starts.
Brad Swartz
This event is a Northwest Region event and will only count for points in the Northwest Region.
Payout Ratio
Entry Fee
PBA Members: $245
Non-Members: $310 (Credit Card or Cash only)
Balance Holes
Beginning August 1, 2020, the use of a balance hole is prohibited. The rule states all holes in a bowling ball must be used on every delivery; any hole not used is considered a balance hole, making the ball illegal. Bowlers who do not use their thumb no longer can have a thumb hole, as it now is considered a balance hole. They also need to mark their ball to show where they place their palm on delivery.
Product Registration
There have been some changes in product registration. A complete list of 2023 Product Registered companies, can be found here.
Entry Deadline
Online entries for members and non-members close at midnight on Wednesday, May 10th, 2023.
After the deadline, entries must be made directly with the PBA Northwest/West Region Manager and a $10 late fee will be accessed.
Prize Fund
1st Place is projected to pay $2,000
12th Place is projected to pay $600
Final cash spot is guaranteed to pay a minimum of $425
(Based on 48 entries)